The countryside education and its teaching trajectory, in Pau dos Ferros–RN
Considering that the subjects need to think about the world from the place where they live, and the field is its own place, is in it that the subjects must be educated as subjects of history, linked to social struggles. Evidently, the identity of rural schools is based on the questions inherent to their reality, taking into account the knowledge of the students, as well as their way of thinking about the world and knowing how to listen to the other in the face of their particularities. This article aims to analyze the trajectory of teaching in schools with multi-years classrooms located in the countryside of Pau dos Ferros. We adopt a bibliographic research as a methodological approach, studying the authors: Caldart (2011), Arroyo, Caldart e Molina (2011,) Vendramini (2007), Fernandes (1999), Souza (2012), as well as the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Countryside schools, among other references that address the theme under study. In summary, this paper showed us the need to deepen our reflection about Rural Education and the aspects that permeate teaching in schools with multi-years classrooms, since the countryside is a living space. It is in countryside that the subjects mobilize themselves, producing a social and cultural dynamics, with education and the school as the focus of debate on this educational dynamics of the diverse peoples of the countryside.
Keywords: Countryside Education. Multi-years Calssrooms. Teaching.
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