Continuous teacher education
teacher's perception about the training offered by the municipal school system of a municipality in the interior of the state of Espírito Santo
Teaching vision; Continuing Education; Elementary Education.Abstract
This article aimed to investigate the continuing education for teachers offered by the municipal education network of a town in the state of Espírito Santo, based on the perspectives of teachers in the early years of elementary education. The methodology used was a bibliographical review of previously published material, consisting of books, scientific articles, and official documents related to the subject in question, with the main authors being Libâneo (2018), Nóvoa (2009), and Carvalho (2006). Additionally, field research through an interview with the head of the Training Center of the Municipal Department of Education (SEME) and questionnaires applied to teachers working in the early years of five different elementary school in the municipal education network. Teachers emphasized the need for continuing education to go beyond theory and into practice in the daily school routine. Therefore, it is crucial that teachers' voices are considered when implementing continuing education programs. These programs must also take into account the reality and diversity of the school context, as meaningful professional development is essential to fostering a positive impact across the entire school environment.
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