Problem Solving of the Additive Conceptual Field by Teachers Who Are Formed in Pedagogy




Problem situations; Early years of elementary school; Theory of Conceptual Fields


The knowledge used by teachers in solving problems involving addition or subtraction are related to the teaching and learning of these operations by students. In view of this, this article seeks to identify the theorems in action mobilized by teachers from the early years of elementary school who teach in state schools in northern Espírito Santo, in the resolution of six problems that contemplate the basic additive relationships of the Additive Conceptual Field, according to the Theory of Conceptual Fields (TCC). A qualitative research was conducted, in which data collection occurred through a questionnaire sent by WhatsApp. In the analysis of the data obtained from the return of the answers of 12 teachers who worked in 5 different schools, it was observed that all teachers correctly solved three of the six problems proposed. In three problems, some erroneous resolutions were identified, revealing the mobilization of false theorems in action in the resolutions. Incorrect answers indicate difficulties in interpreting statements and familiarity with certain categories of problems may have led to greater ease in solving them correctly. Therefore, there are indications that some categories of problems are used more by teachers, in their teaching practices, than others, which can be caused by the lack of knowledge about TCC. The results reveal the importance of acquiring knowledge about the Additive Conceptual Field by teachers, so that false theorems in action do not remain in their conceptions, and students are provided with the systematization of the totality of knowledge inserted in this Field


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