Use of Youtube video lessons as a complement to teaching


  • Graziela Frainer Knoll Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis (UNIRITTER)
  • Alice Melo Xavier Universidade Franciscana
  • Taís Steffenello Ghisleni Universidade Franciscana



digital technologies; teaching; Video lessons


The information society is extremely focused on technologies and interactions and the various expressions of culture that make up the digital age. Considering the existing platforms, Youtube has been, in recent decades, an environment conducive to communication and instructional or educational content. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the use of Youtube as a digital platform to complement teaching from the case of the Descomplica channel. Thus, it is intended to: carry out a survey of the media used by Descomplica in teaching content; to characterize the observed data in terms of weak and strong ties, multimodality/multimedia, social capital, types of networks, transmedia and crossmedia and dialogic relationship; understand the advantages and disadvantages of this type of platform. The methodology is content analysis, as a technique that allows describing, recording, analyzing and comparing, in format and content, the productions of the audiovisual channel. With the results, it is inferred that the creation of content varies in volume of information, in the presence of the teacher and in the visual of the pieces for each medium, with a balance in the language, which seeks to maintain a certain authority in the educational area of ​​the profile and, at the same time, At the same time, it uses colloquialism and everyday references to captivate its public of interest.


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Author Biographies

Graziela Frainer Knoll, Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis (UNIRITTER)

Doutora em Letras, Estudos Linguísticos, pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM); colaboradora Pós-Doc no Programa de Pós Graduação em Letras do Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis (UNIRITTER, Porto Alegre); Bolsista PNPD/CAPES.

Alice Melo Xavier, Universidade Franciscana

Graduanda em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Universidade Franciscana; pesquisadora Probic FAPERGS.

Taís Steffenello Ghisleni, Universidade Franciscana

Professora na Universidade Franciscana, no Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens e no curso de Publicidade e Propaganda. Doutora em Comunicação.


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