Multimodality issues and learning theories applied to the process of developing two English language teaching units for seafarers


  • Valeria Silva de Oliveira Escola de Formação de Oficiais da Marinha Mercante



Multimodality; Multiliteracies; Maritime English; English for specific purposes; English language teaching


This article briefly presents how theories of English language teaching/learning (BROWN, 2015; HARMER, 2015; MYLES, 2013), studies on (multi)literacies (KALANTZIS; COPE, 2012) and a multimodal theory of representation and communication ( KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1998, 2001, 2006; KRESS, 2003; RIBEIRO, 2021) guided the process of creating two teaching units developed to contribute to the learning of higher education students who need to learn the English language for specific purposes. The target audience is adult students who need to learn to use English in the context of the merchant marine. Both units offer opportunities to develop the four English language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - and systems - grammar, vocabulary, phonology/pronunciation and discourse. These units are accompanied by a Teacher's Guide that contains general guidelines including teaching and learning objectives and answers for each activity. As a final reflection, we highlight the limited number of teaching resources available for teaching maritime English in Brazil today and the need to develop more instructional materials focused on teaching/learning English for specific purposes to meet the needs of the public -target according to their respective areas of activity: Nautical Sciences (Nautical Area) and Nautical Sciences (Machinery Area).


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