Semiotic competence and the educational process
multimodality in the development of strategies in geography class
Semiotic Competence; Geography Education; Multimodality; Semiotics.Abstract
In the face of the need for the construction of knowledge and the acquisition of skills, the development of pedagogical strategies focused on specific language-related competencies becomes imperative to facilitate the teaching-learning process. In this context, semiotic competence and multimodal approach stand out as essential elements in the field of geography education. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the theoretical foundations of semiotics, grounding semiotic competence in accordance with the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), aiming to establish a pedagogical praxis in lesson planning. Additionally, the study seeks to examine the correlated contributions of social semiotics and multimodality in shaping pedagogical practices in geography education. Methodologically, this research takes the form of a qualitative exploratory study, employing principles of bibliographic research. The results offer valuable insights to enhance educational practices, adapting them to contemporary demands and fostering a more effective and meaningful geographical education. The significance of multimodal approach concepts, specifically modal density, which considers modal intensity and modal complexity, is highlighted in alignment with semiotic competencies guided by BNCC directives. In conclusion, the multimodal approach, when aligned with semiotic competencies in the teaching process, demonstrates considerable potential for the development of consistent lesson plans, significantly contributing to an enhanced interpretation and construction of knowledge by students.
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