Digital proposal for teaching chemistry

instagram as a support tool for basic education


  • Joyce Quartezani Anoir Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Ana Nery Furlan Mendes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Lívia Toscano Barbosa EEEFM Emílio Roberto Zanotti



Social networks; Instagram; Educational videos; Online Education


The science of chemistry is important for understanding the relationships that occur in our daily lives. However, the teaching of this science often fails to interest students due to the abstraction and complexity with which certain content is developed in the classroom. In addition, the lack of laboratories in schools is also a problem, as teachers have to look for alternative ways to develop experimentation in chemistry. In line with the advance of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT), social networks have emerged as a complementary means of bringing students' everyday lives closer to chemistry content. This paper presents a report on the development and results obtained with an Instagram page called “oh yeah, chemistry” produced by chemistry undergraduates from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), São Mateus campus. The page is a proposed digital resource for teaching chemistry, which includes materials that can help primary school teachers and students, especially high school students. So far, most of the page's followers are elementary school teachers and undergraduate students, mainly from the Chemistry degree course. Since the aim of the page is to be a means of support so that teachers and students can access and obtain materials for their classes, it can be seen that the profile of the followers is very similar.


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