Chemical reactions for 6th grade students

a stop motion approach


  • Felipe dos Santos Silva Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Ana Nery Furlan Mendes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Audiovisual resources; Basic education; TDIC; Chemistry Teaching


Audiovisual resources are a widely used alternative from the perspective of Digital Information and Communication Technologies, especially as teaching tools that can be developed using smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. The application the use of teaching materials with sounds and images helps to introduce abstract content and is an attractive tool for constructing theoretical concepts in chemistry. Among the techniques used to produce videos, we would highlight Stop Motion, which consists of photographic recordings of minimal movements of objects in order to later combine the photos into a video. The aim of this work was to use the Stop Motion technique to create a video about chemical reactions. The material produced went through a validation process and, after corrections, the video was shown to 13 6th grade students at a municipal school in São Mateus/ES. The results of the application show that this type of material has the potential to be applied to teaching chemistry to elementary school students, as it awakens students' motivation to study this science, as well as contributing to the teaching practice of teachers at this level of education.


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