The heuristic play and it´s contribution to the preschool years


  • Márcia Perini Valle Faceli
  • Crislaine do Rosário dos Santos
  • Ingrid Cassiano Andrade



Heuristic Play; Early Childhood Education; Work Approach.


The present work aimed to explain the contribution of heuristic play as an work approach with 1 and 2 years old children in an early childhood education school in the municipal education of Linhares-ES, identify how the process of implementing heuristic play occurred in the 1 and 2 year old classes, verify the perception of the management team and teachers about heuristic play, describe the main difficulties found in the process of implementing it in 1 and 2 year old classes and list possible contributions of it to child development. The work, outlined with interviews with the management team and teachers of the school's 1 and 2 year old classes and observation of the Heuristic Play sessions in the 1 and 2 year old classes in the afternoon, presents reflections on what Heuristic Play is and how it was achievement, in teaching practice, as well as the arisen difficulties. In this context, the contributions and challenges found by professionals about the implementation of the work approach were highlighted.

Keywords: Heuristic Play; Early Childhood Education; Work Approach.


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