Peer Review Process

Romanitas – Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos has an Advisory Board composed of researchers of notable competence whose task is to analyze, through Double-blind peer review system, the articles sent for publication, with the purpose of safeguarding the scientific excellence of the journal. Specialists in History, Literature, Archeology and Anthropology are part of the board, in order to consider both the theoretical-methodological plurality and the interdisciplinary character of studies involving Greece and Rome, including Late Antiquity. Each advisor is responsible for issuing an opinion on articles dealing with his/her research and teaching area. If the subject of an article turns out to be so specific that there is not a member in the Advisory Board with satisfactory conditions to evaluate it, it is up to the Editorial Board to appoint an ad hoc consultant. In case of failure and at the discretion of the Editorial Board, the article may be submitted to a new evaluation.