Textual and material sources and their contribution to the study of connectivity between Greeks and non-Greeks in Ancient Sicily
Connectivity, Identity, Material Culture, Mediterranean Archaeology, Ancient SiciliyAbstract
The appearance of Greek settlements (Ktíseis) in Sicily, Italy, is dated to the end of the 8th century BC. The Greeks, however, did not arrive to an Éremos Chóra (empty land) or to somewhere completely unknown; rather, there is evidence of contact between Italian and Greek people since the Early Bronze Age. In the ancient sources we find a well-constructed mythological tradition that is proof of an ancestral link between the two lands, but it is in the material culture especially that we are able to see the contacts and the degree of the connections between social groups. This paper focuses on Sicily, from the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era. Through the observation of literary sources and, principally, material objects, we unveil an entanglement of connections reinforced by exchanges in the artistic, technological, political and social realms.
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