Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): Simbiótica

					View Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): Simbiótica

In addition to the works on free themes, in this edition we present the Dossier "Dialogue Social Sciences & Psychoanalysis: Borders and Coasts in Contemporary Malaise." The objective of this meeting was to discuss the intersections between Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences, making dialogue circulate across borders and coasts that demarcate contemporary malaise, fostering openings, creativity, and inventiveness instead of closures, polarizations, and certainties. For this dialogue, the perspectives and insights from Psychoanalysis, Social Sciences, and Philosophy were called upon. Thus, this dossier welcomed reflections on human pathos (suffering/passion) based on the following challenges: What does Psychoanalysis still have to say about malaise? What are the possibilities for social ties in the current scenario? How can we sustain differences in modes of existence in the era of digital platforms? How does malaise present itself in the political discourse of the affected body as an effect? What does the expressive aesthetic paradigm have to say about the inhumanity present in humans?

Published: 30-05-2024

