About the Journal

Journal published by Graduation Program of History of Federal University of Espírito Santo as of 2005, by system of Ahead of Print. ISSN 1980-0096. Open Journal Systems - OJS is a free open source system for the administration and publication of journals, developed with the support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. Access to the journal is open to the public and free, with no fees for reading articles or submitting work. The evaluation of submitted works follows the rule of double anonymous (blind) evaluation by peers.


Chamada de artigos para o dossiê "Histórias do direito e da justiça no Brasil: perspectivas plurais"


A submissão de artigos para o dossiê "Histórias do direito e da justiça no Brasil: perspectivas plurais" (2025) poderá ser realizada até 15 de março de 2025. O dossiê é organizado pelo professor Dr. João Paulo Mansur (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais).

Read more about Chamada de artigos para o dossiê "Histórias do direito e da justiça no Brasil: perspectivas plurais"

Current Issue

Vol. 35 (2024)
Revista Ágora Edição 35
Published: 2024-02-19

Modernisms in Brazil throughout the 20th Century

Imagining the Nation: Brazilian Intellectuals in the Long 19th Century



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Published since 2005, Ágora is an academic journal specialized in History and edited by experts. The journal is managed by the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. The magazine's financing comes from investments from the Postgraduate Program in History and the Pro-Rector of Postgraduate Studies at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.