Occupational health and safety in the general services sector on two campuses of a public university located in Juazeiro do Norte-CE and Crato-CE: a case study


  • Thays Lorranny da Silva Januário URCA
  • Jefferson Luiz Alves Marinho URCA


occupational health and safety, general Services, Case study, risk prevention, correction of occupational faults


Introduction: In Brazil, there are almost two million workers who perform the cleaning and conservation activity, constituting one of the most prominent economic segments in the country's economy. Given this, it is of fundamental importance to study all the risks that general service professionals are subjected to in order to look for ways to prevent, combat and correct problems arising from various threats. Objective: This article aimed to propose improvements to optimize the Health and Safety at Work (WSH) conditions of cleaning and conservation workers based on current legislation and scientific literature. Methods: This article is classified as a case study, exploratory and qualitative approach, on two URCA campuses. Were utilized: literature review and direct observation were used for job analysis. Results: Many shortcomings were found by the contractor, which is where the greatest responsibility lies with the employees, and too of contractor. Conclusion: All problems checked can be fixed. It is proposed to comply with current legislation applied to the category (Law No. 13.429, of March 31, 2017) and the Regulatory Standards on the part of contracted and the contractor.


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Author Biography

Jefferson Luiz Alves Marinho, URCA

Graduated in CIVIL ENGINEERING from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (1990). Graduated in CIVIL CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY - qualification in Topography and Roads by the Regional University of Cariri - URCA (1994). Graduated in LAW from the Regional University of Cariri - URCA (2012). Master in Law from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC (RS). Master in Engineering and Environmental Technology from Universidad de Leon - Spain (2012). Specialization in Business Administration, Occupational Safety Engineering and Evaluation and Expertise Engineering. He is currently Associate Professor M, assigned to the Department of Civil Construction at the Regional University of Cariri-URCA, Pro-Rector of Administration-URCA, Coordinator of the Lato Sensu Specialization Course in Civil Construction Management, Former Director of the Instituto Tecnológico do Cariri - ITEC (2014-2019). He has experience in the area of law, acting in civil, consumer, tax, labor, social security and environmental actions. In Civil Engineering, he works in the following areas: technical expertise, property valuation, work safety engineering, analysis and monitoring of public and private sector building projects. He also works in the area of business administration (planning and control of works, planning and administration of construction sites, management of civil construction companies).


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How to Cite

Januário, T. L. da S., & Marinho, J. L. A. (2020). Occupational health and safety in the general services sector on two campuses of a public university located in Juazeiro do Norte-CE and Crato-CE: a case study. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 6(3), 17–29. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufes.br/bjpe/article/view/28676