Occupational risk assessment in a large-scale road maintenance and conservation work using the FMEA: an investigation on signaling and road work


  • Ailda da Luz Lima Universidade Federal do Maranhão, UFMA, Brasil
  • Jhelison Gabriel Lima Uchoa Universidade Ceuma, UNICEUMA, Brasil.
  • André Luís de Oliveira Cavaignac Universidade Ceuma, Unversidade Federal do Maranhão




Highways, Occupational Safety, Risks, FMEA.


The constant rise of the road modal is indisputable in the same way that it is the most representative in transport logistics in Brazil. Due to the increased use of this medium too much, the demand for services in construction, maintenance and conservation works has grown. These activities have high labor risks, and the problem with this growth lies in the safety of the work of those who operate on the roads.  In this sense, the objective of this research is to investigate of the situation of construction workers in large construction work - maintenance and conservation of highway, stretch of Açailândia-MA to Imperatriz-MA, with emphasis on the processes of slapping hole and cleaning drainage devices. Through the photographic records, a discussion was conducted about the non-conformities found in comparison to regulatory standards nº 6 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and nº 18 - Safety Measures. Subsequently, the data obtained were used as probable modes of failures, through the situations analyzed for the application of FMEA (failure mode and effect analysis). With the obtaining of the RPN (risk priority number) it was possible to organize the failure modes in order of priority, from the riskiest to the least risky. For cleaning service made with a manual brush cutter, the failure of the safety system suitable for the equipment had the highest RPN of 210, also the highest general RPN, followed by the Traffic Accident failure mode with the cause of non-signaling on the stretch of the work obtained 108 RPN. Therefore, presents itself a plan of preventive actions in order to contribute to mitigate the occupational risks present in the researched work.


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Author Biographies

Ailda da Luz Lima, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, UFMA, Brasil

Master's student in Material Sciences at the Federal University of Maranhão (PPGCM/UFMA), Scholarship holder (CAPES). She holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Ceuma University (Uniceuma). She is part of the research group Laboratory of Optical and Photothermal Spectroscopy (LEOF / UFMA). She has experience in the areas of Infrastructure, Transport and Highways. Currently working in the areas of Vitreous and Ceramic Materials.

Jhelison Gabriel Lima Uchoa, Universidade Ceuma, UNICEUMA, Brasil.

Graduated in Civil Engineering from Ceuma University (2018). He has experience in the field of Civil Engineering.

André Luís de Oliveira Cavaignac, Universidade Ceuma, Unversidade Federal do Maranhão

He is a Food Engineer from the Federal University of Maranhão (2011), Specialist in Occupational Safety Engineering from Faculdade Pitágoras (2013), Master's in Materials Science from the Federal University of Maranhão (2015), PhD in Materials Science from the Federal University of Maranhao (2019 - ). He has experience in the food industry (industrial manager and technical manager - with emphasis on Food technology, Unit Operations/Transport Phenomena, and Occupational Safety) and also has experience in the region's industries (civil construction, chemical and food) as a consultant and with scientific publications on industrial process management and occupational safety. He has experience in Raman spectroscopy and thermal characterization (TG, DSC and DTA), with publications in international conferences and journals about synthesis and characterization of materials for the pharmaceutical and food industry. He was a professor of the Food Engineering course at UFMA (2016-2018), the veterinary medicine course at FAVALE (2019-2020) and the engineering courses at CEUMA University (2014-2020).


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How to Cite

Lima, A. da L., Uchoa, J. G. L., & Cavaignac, A. L. de O. (2021). Occupational risk assessment in a large-scale road maintenance and conservation work using the FMEA: an investigation on signaling and road work. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(2), 59–69. https://doi.org/10.47456/bjpe.v7i2.33601