Application of the abc curve in inventory management in a construction company


  • Rafaela Ribeiro Siqueira Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil
  • Iasmine Aléxia de Aquino Melo Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil
  • Ricardo Bentes Kato Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil



Inventory management, Tool, ABC classification


The progressive increase in competitiveness, organizations are looking for ways to improve their processes in order to reduce costs. Thus, it is recommended to do a good planning that allows decision making for stock management. In this sense, the ABC curve is applied as a support tool for stock control, allowing managers to have a detailed view of the products. Therefore, this research aims to discuss the application of the ABC tool in a company that operates in the civil construction sector, located in the city of Marabá-PA. Visits were carried out at the company to understand the entire inventory management process, as well as unstructured interviews with the sector manager and the professional responsible for the warehouse. To deal with the problems found, the ABC classification tool was used, to define the prioritization of managerial actions on the items in stock and thus to know which items are of greater relevance. Therefore, the results obtained go against the theory proposed by Vilfredo Pareto, of stocks in the 80/20 system, and that class A items must have low stocks, while class C items must have high stocks. Through the tool, it was found if the following class A results have a high stock size, with 11,352, Class B of the 19,552 materials present in the warehouse, the items classified as C correspond to only 3,237 of the materials in stock. This applied tool brought real and concrete information about the company's stock management process, thus supporting the understanding of stock for managers


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Ribeiro Siqueira, Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil

Master in Civil Engineering, area of concentration ? Structure and Civil Construction by the Federal University of Pará ? UFPA in 2018. Production Engineer from the State University of Pará ? UEPA in 2016. Currently student of the Management course in Tutoring at Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci ? UNIASSELVI. I have been working since 09/2017 as an External Tutor in the Occupational Safety Technologist course at Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci ? UNIASSELVI, Breu Branco ? SHOVEL. In 2018 I started my activities as a Professor at the Faculty of Theology, Philosophy and Human Sciences ? GAMALIEL Tucuruí ?PA, in the Administration course. (Text provided by the author)

Iasmine Aléxia de Aquino Melo, Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (UNIFESSPA) (2019). Member of the Built Environment Technology Research Group (GTAC). (Text provided by the author)

Ricardo Bentes Kato, Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil

Doctor in Engineering from PRODERNA-UFPA (Doctoral Program of Natural Resources of the Amazon). Master in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Specialization in Public Administration. Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Pará. Professor at PPGEC - UFPA (Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering) - Master's and Doctorate. Professor of the civil engineering course at the Federal University of Pará. He was: Effective Professor at the IFPA (Federal Institute of Pará), Substitute Professor at UFPA in the Civil Engineering course, Professor of the Graduation and Post-Graduation courses at private colleges and Professor at the Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) in the Civil Engineering course. Production. Several oriented works (Undergraduate and Postgraduate). Several participations in TCC's stalls. Quality and planning consultant. (Text provided by the author)


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How to Cite

Siqueira, R. R., Melo, I. A. de A., & Kato, R. B. (2021). Application of the abc curve in inventory management in a construction company. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(5), 145–155.