Project based learning as a strategy of blended learning in the architecture and urbanism course




Active learning, Extension project, Introduction to architectural project


The paper identifies potentialities and limitations of application of the Project Based Learning (PBL) method in the second period of the Architecture and Urbanism course in an institution of higher education, in the context of deepening the blended learning model. In this way, the main theoretical issues involving the PBL method were raised and it was studied two activities developed with students of the second period with the same objective (developing a method / methodology for the execution of architectural projects), in the classroom and blended learning models. Both activities used concepts from this active learning methodology, but with different organizations and themes, to some extent resulting from the migration of the teaching model. The first activity is called “Meu Lugar”, of a playful and individual character and the second activity is an extension project, structured based on a real demand. It was observed that the two strategies are important and complementary, as the “Meu Lugar” project enables the assessment of the individual student, based on personal interests and freer conceptual propositions, while the extension project develops teamwork, service real demands and respect for current legislation and regulations, as well as the desires and needs of a specific recipient. In both cases, it was also noted the need for complementary activities and challenges, which support a technical apparatus, especially representation.


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Author Biographies

João Lemos Cordeiro Sayd, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e Centro Universitário Salesiano

Architect and Urbanist (2011) and Master in Urbanism (2015) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PROURB FAU UFRJ), where he is currently pursuing a PhD in Urbanism (expected completion in 2023). He has an MBA in Hybrid Education, Active Methodologies and Learning Management (2020) from Centro Universitário União das Américas. He develops research on the relationship between city and water (especially urban ports and rivers); teaching design in architecture, urbanism and engineering; cultural heritage; and design representation with digital tools. It integrates the Laboratory of Urban Water Studies (LEAU UFRJ), and Electricity Grids and Smart Cities (RECI IUS), linked to the international network of Salesian University Institutions. Since 2015 he has been a professor at the Centro Universitário Salesiano-UniSales, where he currently coordinates the Architecture and Urbanism course.

Pedro Canal Filho, Instituto Goia

He holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1991) and a Master's in Architecture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2004), with an MBA in Learning Management (2020). He acted as coordinator and professor of the Architecture and Urbanism course at the Centro Universitário Salesiano. He is Director President of Instituto Goia and professor of the subjects of City History, History of Architecture in Brazil and Theory, Design and Techniques of Conservation and Restoration. He has extensive experience in team management and leadership, both in the private sector and in the sphere of public power. He works mainly on the following topics: education/professional training, architectural projects, history of architecture and cultural heritage, restoration of historical heritage, urban requalification, urban planning and intervention in central urban areas, heritage education. Relationship between historical heritage and citizenship.

José Osvaldo Costalonga Neto

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Centro Universitário Salesiano (UniSales, 2020), Vitória – ES, Brazil. During graduation, he worked as a monitor of disciplines of the Architecture and Urbanism course at UniSales such as Philosophy and Ethics (2016), Theory and History I (2017), Study of Form and Environment (2018) Atelier de Projeto I (2018). It is inclined to studies related to human perception associated with urban and/or residential space, behavior and education


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How to Cite

Sayd, J. L. C., Canal Filho, P., & Costalonga Neto, J. O. (2021). Project based learning as a strategy of blended learning in the architecture and urbanism course. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(4), 46–64.



Edição Especial "Educação 5.0: Inovação e metodologias ativas para o ensino supe