From schools to the streets

from an occupation of the self to an urban aesthetic-politics




ocupações secundaristas, ações estético-políticas, dispositivo de subjetivação, ativismo, arte


We propose to think of secondary school occupations as devices of artistic subjectivation, since they established another way of inhabiting the school space and carrying out urban actions. We argue that students reinvented themselves by activating an aesthetic of the self while simultaneously carrying out urban actions through aesthetic-political and performative procedures, activating ways of operating that are specific to the field of art, mixing up the division of the sensitive between what is art and what is activism.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Pimentel, UERJ/Coletivo 28 de Maio

Assistant professor in the Department of Art Theory and History at IART/UERJ. She works in the Graduate Program in Arts/PPGArtes at UERJ and in the PPGCA/UFF. A theorist-activist with the Coletivo 28 de Maio, she works in partnership with UFF professor Jorge Vasconcellos in art and academic spaces where they articulate contemporary minority struggles with the practice of theoretical production. She carries out the procedure How to become a domestic theorist in alliance with artist and academic mothers and their children, through which she questions the patriarchal and capitalist nature of these systems. She is co-leader of the CNPQ Research Group Aesthetic-political Practices in Contemporary Art. She researches and writes about contemporary art and its relations with minority activism.

Jorge Vasconcellos, UFF

Black-indigenous, grandson of a Xavante indigenous person from a village and descendant of an enslaved black person. PhD in Philosophy/UFRJ. Associate Professor at the Fluminense Federal University/UFF, Niterói-RJ/Brazil, in the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies/RAE and in the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts/PPGCA-IACS-UFF. He was Program Coordinator/PPGCA (2019-2021). Leader of the CNPq Research Group on aesthetic-political practices in contemporary art. Theorist-activist in the Collective - of aesthetic-political actions and practices and counterpedagogical academic procedures - 28 de Maio/C28M. He is a Scientist of Our State/CNE-2020 by FAPERJ. He did a Post-doctorate in Arts at the Institute of Arts of UERJ (2019). He is Scientific Editor of the POIÉSIS Magazine - a journal of the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts/PPGCA-UUF (Qualis A1).


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How to Cite

Pimentel, M., & Vasconcellos, J. (2024). From schools to the streets: from an occupation of the self to an urban aesthetic-politics. Farol, 20(31), 204–213.


