Art and life

poetic and educational processes in making in contemporary art




Art, Art Education, Youths, Urgent Dialogues


The text presented here is the result of the conference "Exercises to remember: blackness and performance in the construction of self", held during the XV Capixaba Seminar on the Teaching of Art: Urgent Dialogues, at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, in August 2023. The text presents the aspects of the artistic residency "Exercises to remember" by myself and the artist Carla Borba, as well as the artistic works of Tribal Ycsander; Rafa Black; CS, aka myself; Patthy Oliver and Jaiara Dias, young participants of the Youth Reference Centers - CRJs, in the municipalities of Vila Velha, Serra and Cariacica and Linhares and Colatina in Espírito Santo.


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Author Biography

Geovanni Lima da Silva, UFES/Unicamp

Artist and Performer; PhD student (2021-2025) and Master in Visual Arts (2021) from - UNICAMP; Specialist in Arts in Education from Faculdade de Vitória (2021); Degree in Visual Arts - UFES (2014 - 2018). Nominated for the Pipa Prize (2021, specialized jury) and finalist for the Pipa Online Prize (2021, popular vote), with participation in several exhibitions, shows and festivals in Brazil and abroad. Member of the CNPq/UFES research groups: Entre - Education and Contemporary Art and 3P - Performance Practices and Processes. He is one of the proponents of the PERFORME-SE-Performance Festival project and the Lacração-Arte e Cultura LGBTQIAP + Festival. He was coordinator of Policies for Sexual and Gender Diversity at Vitória City Hall. In the field of Human Rights and Social Education, he served as one of the coordinators of the reformulation of public youth policy in Espírito Santo, dealing directly with the implementation of the Youth Reference Centers, the Human Rights Education Project for Youth; of the State Youth Policy Plan and the State Youth Fund. Interested in non-formal teaching processes, he has been working as an artist/educator for 8 years. He currently consults for organizations interested in the intersection between art, education and youth policies, especially thinking about Afro-centered processes.


BARBOSA, Ana Mae. Arte/educação contemporânea: consonâncias internacionais. 2.ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2009.

BORBA, Carla; SILVA, Geovanni Lima da (org). Exercícios para se lembrar. 1. edição. Vitória: Editora do artista, 2022.

BORBA, Carla; SILVA, Geovanni Lima da (org). Exercícios para se lembrar. 2. edição. Vitória: Editora do artista, 2023.

BORBA, Carla; SILVA, Geovanni Lima da (org). Exercícios para se lembrar. 3. edição. Vitória: Editora do artista, 2023.

BUENO, Winnie. Imagens de controle: um conceito do pensamento de Patricia Hill Collins. Porto Alegre: Zouk, 2020.

CHARRÉU, Leonardo Verde. A Cartografia e a Artografia como métodos vivos de Investigação em arte e em Educação Artística. In: Diacrítica - Revista de Estudo do Centro Humanístico. Braga: Uminho, v. 33, n. 1, p. 87-103, 2019.

Hooks, Bell. Erguer a voz: pensar como feminista, pensar como negra. Tradução de Cátia Bocaiuva Maringolo. São Paulo: Elefante, 2019.

SILVA, Geovanni Lima da. Exercícios para se lembrar: a performance como método para a elaboração de subjetividades. 150 p. Dissertação de Mestrado em Artes Visuais, Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas: São Paulo, 2021.



How to Cite

Silva, G. L. da. (2024). Art and life: poetic and educational processes in making in contemporary art. Farol, 20(30), 77–90.



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