Young researchers/artists/teachers

protagonists from the university




Decolonial art, Contemporary art, Youth, Teaching Art , University


This paper consists of a report about the Jovens pesquisadores/artistas/professores Conference held at the XV Seminário Capixaba sobre o Ensino da Arte. The panel gives voice to the power of students with the participation of finalists and graduates of the Degree in Visual Arts course at Ufes: Jaíne Muniz, Matheusa Moreira, Geisa da Silva and Henrique Tavares. The four speakers brought reports of experiences, highlighting the intertwining of their experience at Ufes and practices in the art circuit, in schools and in non-school education. All trajectories are based on the construction of protagonisms under a decolonial bias (in Grada Kilomba's understanding), articulated as a response to the glaring inequality of representation of minorities within the field of art.


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Author Biography

Ananda Carvalho, UFES

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and curator; PhD and Master in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP. She is currently pursuing a postdoctoral degree in Contemporary Arts Studies at UFF. His research area focuses on contemporary art with an emphasis on curation, histories and exhibition creation processes. She is coordinator of the Curation Platform [which encompasses the activities of the Creation Processes in Curation extension project and the Curation and Contemporary Art research group (CNPq / UFES)]. She coordinated the University Space Art Gallery (Gaeu-Ufes) and the Art and Research Gallery (GAP-Ufes). His doctoral research (supported by a CNPq scholarship) focused on curatorial procedures in contemporary art exhibitions. In her master's research (with the support of a CNPq scholarship) she studied contemporary Brazilian productions that incorporate the confluences between documentary and video art. Since 2009, she has been writing, researching and producing curators that have been included in public and private institutions, commercial galleries and independent spaces. His curatorships include Women Artists in the Ufes Collection (Gaeu, 2023), Impermanência (Casa Porto das Artes Plásticas, Vitória-ES, 2021) and Instauração (Sesc Belenzinho, SP, 2017). She developed critical monitoring of projects in several institutions (such as Paço das Artes and MIS-SP) and was a guest critic for the project A HISTÓRIA DA _RTE (Rumos Itaú Cultural, 2015-2016).


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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. (2024). Young researchers/artists/teachers: protagonists from the university. Farol, 20(30), 57–70.



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