Methodological variations in art research

hybrid heuristics




Visual poetcs, Heuristic Hibrid, Cretive process, Methodology, Art


This text seeks possible answers to the question of what research in visual poetics can be. Articulating reflections based on the conceptions of hybrid heuristics proposed by Agnus Valente (2015), it analyzes and discusses operative procedures in the field of artistic research involving creative processes. Authors such as Sandra Rey (2002) and Icleia Cattani (2002) are used to collaborate with the proposed reflections. Finally, it is considered that the contributions of the author in question to the field of art research, with regard to hybrid heuristic processes, broadens, makes more flexible and offers alternatives for thinking and doing research in the artistic field using procedures that are consistent with the unique nature of the area, in addition to traditional methodologies.


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Author Biographies

Valdemir de Oliveira, UEA/UFSM

PhD candidate in Visual Arts from the Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts at the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. Researches dance, visual arts, performances, art and technological mediations and video dance.

Reinilda de Fátima Berguenmayer Minuzzi, UFSM

Associate Professor at the Department of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), RS. Leader of the CNPq Art and Design Research Group. Graduated in Visual Arts/Drawing and Plastics (Bachelor's degree) UFSM (1984), Degree in Design/Visual Communication (Bachelor's degree) from UFSM (1986), Specialization in Surface Design from UFSM (1990), Master's degree in Production Engineering/Management of Design from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001) and PhD in Production Engineering/Design Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006). Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, currently Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts (PPGART-UFSM). She is a member of the PPGART Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee of the PPGART Contemporary Magazine. She is a member of ANPAP (National Association of Visual Arts Researchers, Brazil) and a member of Artech International (International Association for Computer Arts).


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MACLUHAN, Marshall. Os meios de comunicação como extensões do homem. Tradução de Décio Pignatari. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1994.

REY, Sandra. Da teoria à prática: três instâncias metodológicas sobre a pesquisa em artes visuais. In: Porto Arte. Ed. Universidade UFRGS, 1996. V. 7. N. 13. P. 69 – 80.

REY, Sandra. Por uma abordagem metodológica da pesquisa em arte. In: BRITES, Blanca; TESSLER, Elida (Org.). O meio como ponto zero – metodologia da pesquisa em artes plásticas. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2002. p. 123 – 140.

SANTAELLA, Lucia. A ecologia pluralista das mídias locativas. São Paulo: Paulus, 2003. Revista Famecos. Porto Alegre: n. 37, p. 20-24, dezembro de 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jun. 2020.

VALENTE, Agnus. Heurística híbrida e processos criativos híbridos: uma reflexão sobre as metodologias da criação no contexto do hibridismo em artes. In: FIORIN, Evandro; LANDIM, Paula da Cruz; LEOTE, Rosangela da Silva (Org.). Arte-ciência: processos criativos. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2015. (Coleção PROPe Digital - UNESP). ISBN 9788579836244. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2020.

VALENTE, Agnus. Útero portanto Cósmos – hibridação de meios, sistemas e poéticas de um sky-art interativo. 2008. 238 f. Tese (Doutorado em Artes Visuais) -Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 jul. 2020.

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How to Cite

Oliveira, V. de, & Minuzzi, R. de F. B. (2024). Methodological variations in art research: hybrid heuristics. Farol, 20(30), 213–222.


