Militaryization of school territories: CIPOE's performance in the schools of greater Belem during the pandemic period
Biopower, Security mechanism, TerritoryAbstract
The patrolling performed by the Companhia Independente de Polícia Escolar (CIPOE) which is a unit of Military Police (PM), is a reality in the schools of Greater Belém. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze the management practices and territorial control of CIPOE through data that are available on its official websites and social networks, especially on Facebook. As methodological procedures, we resort to specialized literature, cataloging the records and classifying the practices developed by CIPOE in the pandemic period, grouping the data into six categories of action. Then, it is proceeded with the analyses, according to the theoretical background that is applied in this research. As a result, it is obtained the elaboration of a chart and the cataloguing of several excerpts from CIPOE's posts. It is concluded that CIPOE continues to hold rounds in schools and advances in disputes for control of the territory through practices of militarization of the school space.
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