Field education: a study in defense of a curriculum focused on socioemotional skills


  • Debora Zago Bissaro Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo
  • Déborah Zago Santos


Education in the Rural Environment goes through numerous challenges that have been faced over the last decades, such as the high rates of dropout and dropout, illiteracy and lack of interest on the part of students, who often leave their school trajectories to dedicate themselves exclusively to work with the land. This scientific article discusses the challenges and obstacles facing the Rural Education movement, defending a school curriculum that emphasizes socio-emotional competences and demonstrating how a curriculum along these lines can produce benefits for the movement and for Brazilian education as a whole. To this end, a bibliographic research was carried out in order to support the theoretical basis on which the premises defended by the author were based. The results achieved allowed the defense of a school curriculum focused on socio-emotional competences in the field of Rural Education, without neglecting other competences, but rather complementing and being complemented by them. The entire content of the study reveals the paths and premises for a new curriculum focused on Rural Education, considering the nuances and challenges of education in rural areas.

Keywords: Rural Education; Socioemotional skills; School curriculum


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Author Biographies

Debora Zago Bissaro, Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo

Bacharel em direito, licenciada em pedagogia e artes e mestra em ensino na
educação básica (ceunes).

Déborah Zago Santos

Licenciada em pedagogia e pós graduada em tradução e interpretação de libras.





Dossiê: Educação do Campo: processos formativos no Espírito Santo e no Brasil