Pedagogy of alternance and educator training: the sunflower program experience


  • Celso Eulálio de Oliveira Júnior Escola Família Agrícola de Chapadinha - MEPES/RACEFFAES
  • Alcione Reetz Regional das Associações dos Centros Familiares de Formação em Alternância do Espírito Santo (RACEFAES , 2015 a 2020).



The educators constituted themselves as significant subjects for the construction and strengthening of Pedagogy of Alternation and Rural Education. However, the training of these professionals is still a challenge to be overcome by this movement. Thus, the objective of this work was to characterize the education of educators of Pedagogy of Alternation, through the experience of the Girassol Program of continuing education to work in Pedagogy of Alternation and Rural Education in the municipality of Nova Venécia, Espírito Santo. To systematize this experience, we used qualitative, documentary research, referencing us in Nosella (2014, 2007) and Begnami (2003). We also use natural participant observation, as expressed by Gil (2008). We note that despite advances in the training of educators working in Pedagogy of Alternation and Rural Education in the municipality, a challenging situation still exists in relation to it, which threatens the continuity of this pedagogy, and actions are needed to guarantee and strengthen the training of educators working in this modality.


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Author Biographies

Celso Eulálio de Oliveira Júnior, Escola Família Agrícola de Chapadinha - MEPES/RACEFFAES

Técnico em Agropecuária (EFAV, 2003); Licenciado em Ciências Agrícolas
(UFRRJ, 2008); Aperfeiçoamento em Pedagogia do Alternância e Educação do
Campo, (IFES, 2015); Mestre em Educação (UFRRJ, 2019); Professor/monitor
na Escola Família Agrícola de Chapadinha (2009 a 2020); Membro da Regional das Associações dos Centros Familiares de Formação em Alternância do
Espírito Santo (RACEFAES, 2008 a 2020). 

Alcione Reetz, Regional das Associações dos Centros Familiares de Formação em Alternância do Espírito Santo (RACEFAES , 2015 a 2020).

Licencianda em História (UNIUBE, 2017); Membro da Regional das Associações
dos Centros Familiares de Formação em Alternância do Espírito Santo
(RACEFAES , 2015 a 2020).





Dossiê: Educação do Campo: processos formativos no Espírito Santo e no Brasil