Visual Arts PIBID project/UFSM: interlocutions between afro-brazilian culture and art in education
Abstract: This article focuses on teacher training based on the edu(vo)captive methodology based on learning experiences from the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) Visual Arts - UFSM, at Augusto Ruschi School, Santa Maria’s city, RS. Instead, the insertion of students in the school, projects were developed that aimed, through the teaching of visual arts, to debate around ethnic-racial discusses with a class of senior education during the second semester of 2019. From the articulation between training Initial and continuous, students and teachers became involved with the artistic experience where artistic objects produced by black artists, as well as their narratives, constituted triggers of learning. As a theoretical-methodological basis, Fernando Hernández (1998, 2007, 2013) was used the educational perspective of visual culture and work projects. The Edu(vo)captive power of images, from Lutiere Dalla Valle (2017, 2018, 2019) to analyze the visual and literary reports produced by students about the production of meaning.
Keywords: Teacher. PIBID. Afro-Brazilian Culture. Experience. Education.
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