Teaching Sequence In Chemistry Classes: Analysis Of Perceptions And Learning About Polymers
The present work is the result of intervention actions promoted by Chemistry scholarship students from the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) at the State University of Pará (UEPA). It aimed to evaluate the teaching and learning process of 3rd year high school students on polymer theme, developed through a Didactic Sequence (SD). This is a qualitative research and the empirical material analyzed the responses of the students obtained through the application of two questionnaires with open questions. The first one contained questions to survey previous knowledge and the second to analyze knowledge constructed and / or (re) elaborated after application of the SD. Content analysis was used to categorize and interpret responses. The achieved results demonstrated the effectiveness of the actions, reinforcing the importance of including themes associated with students' daily lives to promote contextualized and dynamic chemistry teaching.
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