Cinema and photography
a poetic dialogue for teaching visual arts in the pandemic context
Cinema, Photography, Teaching of Visual ArtsAbstract
This article aims to build a poetic dialogue with the selection of a shot from the film Indiscreet Window (1954) and the photography by Guilherme Santos from the essay Obs-cu-ra (2020) by Bruno Alencastro, enabling reflections on teaching of Art in the pandemic context. Initially, we present an overview of the importance of Cinema and Photography as an artistic language. For the imagery reading we use the interpretive nature methodology from the image reading of Costella (2010) highlighting the points of view: factual, expressional, technical and conventional of the selected photograph. For the filmic reading, based on Suarez' doctoral thesis (2018), we highlight the following points of view: objective, subjective, referential and symptomatic of the selected plan. With regard to the theoretical framework, the authors Bordwell & Thompson (2013), Dubois (1993), Ana Mae Barbosa (1991) and Duarte (2009) were used. The results obtained show us that the clipping of the film Rear Window (1954) and the photography of the essay Obs-cu-ra (2020) manage to permeate the reflections of isolation to the observer who experiences the moment of exile caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Based on these concepts, a proposal for applicability in the teaching of Visual Arts is built based on image and film reading, in an educational purpose between Cinema and Photography.
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