Relativizing presence

the physical experience of eye to eye and the heat of exchanges between bodies in person


  • Thiago Carvalho UFBA



This work presents the creation, execution and final result of the project “Entocadas” by Coletivo das Liliths (BA). It is a non-formal education process developed between January and March 2020, in person, and April to August 2020, virtually, during the pandemic. The project is conceived by Coletivo Das Liliths, a collective of LGBTQIA+ artists, in which practical and theoretical workshops were offered extensively and regularly over 8 months, aimed at artists and non-artists. This proposal allowed the possibility of training artists and multipliers of LGBTQIA+ art and culture in different artistic languages, expanding the offer of cultural activities for the population and also developing a work of inclusion and stimulation of culture anchored in a collaborative work methodology of theater of the real and the total theater. It also aimed at the creative occupation of unconventional spaces, this initially held at the Coletivo headquarters in the Aflitos neighborhood in Salvador (BA), later on a virtual platform (Zoom Meets).


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Author Biography

Thiago Carvalho, UFBA

Doutorando e Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas – PPGAC-UFBA, especialista em Política e Gestão Cultural pela Universidade Federal do Recôncavo - UFRB. É professor tutor do curso de Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA, professor credenciado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Pedagogia das Artes: Linguagens Artísticas e Ação Cultural - EPARTES - UFSB, professor convidado da Faculdade 2 de Julho. Membro do Grupo de Teatro Finos Trapos (Ba) e do Coletivo das Liliths (Ba), gestor da Evoé Casa de Criação e Assessor Técnico na Diretoria de Espaços culturais na Secretária de Cultura do Estado da Bahia – SECULTBa.

