Teaching by research for the study of Newton's first law in elementary education remotely through comic stories
Teaching by Investigation; Investigative Teaching Sequence; Newton's laws.Abstract
This article aims to analyze how the Investigative Teaching Sequences (SEIs) based on Newton's Three Laws can enhance the development of the Scientific Literacy (SC) process of students in the final years of elementary school. To work in an investigative way, three SEIs were created, corresponding to each of Newton's Laws. The SEIs went through four stages: problem, knowledge systematization, social contextualization and evaluation. They were applied with students from the 9th year of elementary school, in the city of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (ES), remotely, mediated by the Google Classroom Virtual Learning Environment. Data were collected through questionnaires, experimental scripts and comic-book production, and these were analyzed through content analysis, through which we sought to identify the CA indicators present in the students' productions. . From the data analysis, it was possible to see evidence on the development of CA processes in students, taking into account the CA indicators and the use of scientific knowledge and its consequences in different spheres of their lives. In view of the students' responses, it is highlighted that logical reasoning was in greater evidence, as it is related to the understanding of how ideas were developed and are presented. The justification and the pre-vision are also highlighted, making the answers safer and more explicit to the statement that is associated with certain events Based on the satisfactory results, it is believed that the SEIs developed enhance the CA process.
Keywords:Teaching by research. Teaching Sequence. Newton'sLaws.
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Copyright (c) 2022 FABIO TOGNERI TELLES, Cassiana Barreto Hygino Machado, Vantelfo Nunes Garcia, VALERIA SOUZA MARCELINO
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