An experience with multimodality and image reading in the continuing education of basic education teachers
Multimodality, Reading Images, Teacher trainingAbstract
The purpose of this work is multimodality in the field of reading, emphasizing at first some conceptual aspects, the ways in which multimodality is present in our society, as well as the importance of this training in the multimodal perspective for trainers. We used as main references: Amarilha (2010), Rojo (2019), Graves; Graves (1995). We adopted qualitative research and as research instruments, observation and the logbook. The research subjects were the teachers of the "Municipal School 04 de Outubro" located in the city of José da Penha, in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, who participated in the workshop Multimodality and image reading: mediation strategies of literary reading during the remote teaching. The results show that the workshop contributed to the resizing of the teachers' practice, as well as the importance of continuing education with a view to dialogue with current discussions, the needs that arise in the daily lives of teachers and students.
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