Video games as texts in the English classroom:

system-gameplay dimension and the multimodal approach


  • Celia Nunes Pereira Borges Secretaria Estadual e Educação do Esp´írito Santo



learning, games, literacy, english language


Video games are present in the lives of our students of different age groups through technologies such as computers, notebooks, Xbox, Play Station and, mainly, cell phones. Aiming to associate activities through this digital media (cell phone) and English language teaching, this paper investigates the interaction through reading and the contributions that platform games can provide to students during the teaching-learning process. Through the contributions of Kress (2010), Cope, Kalantzis (2008, 2009), New London Group (1996, 2000), Gee (2003), Machin (2007) and Pérez-Latorre et al. (2016) we address one of the four levels of the analysis model for the study of video games as texts: the system-gameplay dimension. The results reveal that the interaction through the game as a pedagogical tool dialogue with other semiotic interfaces, providing a more critical and reflexive posture in the textual composition of the game narrative.

Keywords: learning, games, literacy, english language.


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Author Biography

Celia Nunes Pereira Borges, Secretaria Estadual e Educação do Esp´írito Santo

Mestre em Ensino na Educação Básica pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica - PPGEEB/CEUNES/UFES. Professora de língua inglesa da rede estadual do Espírito Santo.


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