Representational meanings of reading and competent reading by brazilian high school students
Significado representacional; Leitura; Leitor Competente; Língua Portuguesa; Ensino MédioAbstract
This article aims to present the results of the analysis of the representational meanings of reading and competent readers attributed by Brazilian high school students from a federal institution of Basic Education. Methodologically, it is an interpretative qualitative research (CHIZZOTTI, 2006; MOITA LOPES, 1994), in the form of a case study (STAKE, 1994) with a virtual ethnographic basis (SANTOS; GOMES, 2013) whose data were generated with the support of questionnaires (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 1999), written verbal narratives (CLANDININ, 2006; PAIVA, 2008, 2019) and audio-recorded open interviews (COHEN; MANION; MORRISON, 2005; ROSA; ARNOLDI, 2006). Its triangulation (FLICK, 2009) was based on the theoretical framework characterized by the interface between the enunciative perspective of Benveniste (1989, 1995) and categories of analysis of the Transitivity system, from the standpoint of the systemic-functional linguistics of Halliday (1994, 1999) and Halliday and Mathiessen (1999, 2014). The results indicate the emergence of three groups of representational meanings referring to both investigated constructs, outlined, above all, by their ascending nature, presenting tangencies related to the descending and interactional models of text processing, according to the paradigmatic attributes listed in the literature consulted specialist. In light of the articulation between the guidelines for school practices proposed for the axis of reading by the National Common Curricular Base for High School (BRASIL, 2018), the investigation also points out the necessary careful attention that the language teacher must have before the complex reading formation of students, as it is marked by interactions between propulsive and inhibiting processes that influence their development.
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