Commercializing the female pain
a pedagogical proposal for critically reading the advertisement "Buscofem: all your pains matter
advertisement, pedagogical proposal, critical readingAbstract
In a westernized world in which adverts are discursive tools that produce representations of reality, Portuguese classes must include them as an object of study. This article aims to discuss a pedagogical proposal for a critical reading of Buscofem's advertisement "All your pains matter". Based on a guided discussion of categories from Generified Critical Discourse Analysis (GOMES, 2020) and from the Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1996) associated with the Intersectionality studies (AKOTIRENE, 2019) and with Critical Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006; PENNYCOOK, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2017, 2021) some questions will guide the critical reading, for example: what bodies can be seen the advertisement? What do they represent? What linguistic choices have been made and how are semiotic resources arranged? What effects can one derive from this? The expectation is to incite discussions about how adverts use discourses of social activism in the service of capital, racism, and cisheteropatriacy, in order to mobilize a critical and active reading of students.
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