Playfulness Workshop
can we play through a story?
Early childhood education; Playfulness; Experience; Inventive learningAbstract
This paper is based on the experience of a research project in which, among other actions, workshops were developed with families and children at ages from 2 to 6 enrolled at a school in Vitória-ES, Brazil. This text analyzes one of the activities in the workshop in which a literary text was used to trigger conversations, playing, learning and other ways of sharing. In this context, and considering the ethical, aesthetic and political principles in Brazilian national guidelines for early childhood education (BRASIL, 2010), this work argues that the conjoint idea of “educating and caring for” is well aligned with the perspective of Bellacasa (2012) that thinking and knowing are relational processes. Furthermore, these ideas are present in the proposition of inventive learning (KASTRUP, 2007), and of experience as stated by Jorge Larrosa (2019). Through a literary experience, this paper presents and discusses pedagogical practices at the “Playfulness workshop”.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Flávia Amorim Sperandio, Ileana Wenetz, Janaína Mariano César
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