From foreign language to lingua franca
teachers’ conceptions from a public school in the north of Paraná
English as a Lingua Franca; BNCC; TeachersAbstract
This article aims to investigate the English language based on the concept of English as a Lingua Franca and its correlation with the BNCC, from the perspective of teachers of municipal public schools in a city in the north of Paraná. As specific objectives, we had: i) the mapping of the profile of the interviewed teachers; ii) analysis of the perspectives of teachers regarding the ILF in the BNCC. This research has its base in a qualitative conception and involves a case study. For data generation, a questionnaire with open and closed questions was applied to the teachers of the municipal network, in the year 2021, in view of the proposed objectives. We base ourselves in Gimenez (2015), Seidlhofer (2004), Menezes e Souza, (2019), Bordini e Gimenez (2014) among others. The results of the research, through the teachers' view, show that: (a) there is exclusion in the internationalization process of teaching when the individual does not speak English; (b) the concept of ILF is seen as a
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