The continued training of RACEFFAES monitors:
A study of its political-pedagogical propositions
Continuing Training of Monitors; Field Education; Alternation PedagogyAbstract
The continuous training of monitor-teachers is present in most educational projects, demanding continuous research on the subject. In this research, we sought to problematize the political and pedagogical assumptions that underlie the training propositions of the monitors who are part of the collective of the Regional Associations of Family Centers for Training by Alternation in Espírito Santo (RACEFFAES). As a methodological perspective, we adopted a qualitative approach (SILVEIRA and CÓRDOVA, 2009; GIL, 2002) based on bibliographic and field research. The data found were submitted to Content Analysis (FRANCO, 2012). The theoretical framework that supports this work dialogues with Giroux (1997); Arroyo (2007, 2012), Freire (2006, 2001, 2015);
Gerke de Jesus (2011, 2018) and Gava (2011). As a result, we highlight the tensions produced in the course of the investigation as well as the appropriations about the political-pedagogical assumptions that cross the knowledge and actions of the monitor-teachers in their training processes produced in the RACEFFAES continuing education meetings.
Keywords: Continuing Training of Monitors. Field Education. Alternation Pedagogy.
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