A proposal and report on an elective course with the experience of building a popsicle stick bridge



Elective; Stick bridge; New High School; Experimental practice


The present work seeks to report the experience of the construction of a stick bridge in the elective course, which composes the informative itineraries of the New High School and the need to awaken in students the interest in technological study, for the stimulation of logical reasoning and the experience of real tasks in the area of Engineering, enabling students an interest in the vision of the future. With this objective, he held the elective in order to observe the learning and promotion of the active construction of knowledge by the students through the stages of construction from the elaboration of the project, assembly of the bridges, until the day of the competition. Thus, students were encouraged to relate the new knowledge with their previous knowledge and personal experiences, thus building an understanding of the structures and situations of everyday life.


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