Sexuality, pregnancy and STI’s in adolescence
a study with youth and adult school students
Sexuality; Pregnancy; Adolescence; Youth and Adult Education.Abstract
The objective of this work was to analyze the relationship between sexuality, pregnancy and STIs in adolescence from the perspective of students of Youth and Adult Education. This is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study. Male and female students, over eighteen years old, participated in the research. The development of the research happened through the development of an Investigative Teaching Sequence (SEI) proposed by Carvalho (2013). The instruments used to obtain results were the applications: Padlet, Mentienter, Google Form and Google Meet. The procedures were divided into four stages: box of curiosities (Padlet), word cloud (Mentimenter), case study (Google Form) and conversation wheel with the research subjects (Google Meet). The results obtained were positive, leading to the conclusion that for most of the participating students, the theme of sexuality is related to sex and love. Opinions on the hypothetical case study were quite divergent to the theme of the project, as most participants are older. It is expected that the data from this research can serve as a basis for future research aimed at the Youth and Adult Education public.
Keywords: Sexuality, Pregnancy, Adolescence, Youth and Adult Education.
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