The Knowable Interest of the Education Business Management Movement
School Management; Privatization of Education; Neoliberalism; Public PolicyAbstract
The last decade was marked by the advance of a reformist movement in Brazilian public education that has proclaimed the introduction and incorporation, within schools, of management logic applied to private companies.
With all the necessary astuteness and using indefectible arguments in favor of the efficiency of the educational systems, the reformists have co-opted a myriad of supporters in different sectors of society. This manifest movement of business management of education has highlighted the supremacy of private interest over public interest in the educational area.. Thus, it becomes relevant to highlight the recognizable interest of this movement that incorporates the thought that the school that does not meet the interests of the market will be doomed to failure. For this purpose, several texts published in the last decade dealing with the subject were considered for study. The selected texts were examined using features of the qualitative data analysis software and mixed research methods MAXQDA. From the examination of the reports obtained with the MAXQDA tool, it was possible to identify that the recognizable interest of the creators is to manage the school as a company, thus obtaining control of the educational process of the youth to install, definitively, the hegemony of neoliberal ideas in the formation of public policies for basic education.
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