Teaching mathematics through making beiju
Curriculum; Ethnomathematics; beiju making; QuilomboAbstract
This text aims to present the possible points of contact between the teaching-learning processes proposed in the New High School curriculum, in the process of being implemented in the Espírito Santo State network, for the Mathematics discipline and the knowledge culturally produced by Afro-descendant communities located in northern region of the state. Ethnomathematics and new educational legislation are the guiding references for reflections produced from teaching experiences with a 1st grade high school class at a public school in the Espírito Santo state network. The focus of this practice was to intertwine the manufacture of beiju, the teaching of mathematics and academic writing as strengthening quilombola identities, reflecting on which policies for the education of ethnic-racial relations are being adopted by the State Department of Education of Espírito Santo.
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