Anti-racist and decolonial mathematical education in the early years of elementary school
the african game of mancala awelé
Mancala; Students; Elementary Education; Anti-racist and decolonial educationAbstract
The central scope of this research is Mathematics Education in the early years of Elementary School, with the African game mancala as a guiding principle for teaching and learning addition and subtraction content. Based on our analyses, the research is justified based on Law No. 10,639/2003, which establishes the obligation for all Brazilian Basic Education schools to include the Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture curriculum in all school subjects, including in the area of Mathematics and its Technologies; The research is still justified due to the absence of mathematical knowledge of African origin in the curriculum in action in Mathematics classes, including in the early years of Elementary School. The guiding question was whether the African game of mancala in teaching addition and subtraction to 2nd year school students has the potential to support anti-racist and decolonial school mathematics education? The research design was within the qualitative approach and the objectives of exploratory research on this topic; The technique used for data collection were semi-structured interviews and notebook records and, to analyze these collected data, content analysis was sought. It appears that the mancala game contributes to the development of mathematical skills of mental calculation to solve mathematical situations in the game. We conclude that teaching addition and subtraction through African mathematics promoted essential learning for all students in an anti-racist and decolonial education.
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