Implementation of bricolage in chemistry education
production of didactic materials for use in basic education
Bricolage; teaching methodologies; basic educationAbstract
This work aims to present two proposals for didactic materials, which aim to make visually accessible complex Chemistry concepts for students, using bricolage activities, these are: “Geometry Box”, which covers the concepts of molecular geometry and “A pinch of electrolysis”, which covers the concepts of aqueous electrolysis of salts. These activities refer to the construction of materials for their own use in classroom. In Chemistry education, bricolage can be used during the construction of didactic materials and low-cost experiments, especially when specific resources are not available. With this in mind, the production of these materials was carried out during a course in Chemistry Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo/São Mateus, which aims to promote the use of different methodologies in basic education. For evaluation, the materials were submitted to a panel composed of three teachers working in basic education and one teacher from the Federal University of Espírito Santo, who contributed to the final elaboration of the project. As a result, the materials received positive evaluations from the teachers, who recommended their use in basic education classrooms.
Keywords: Bricolage, teaching methodologies; basic education.
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