Antoine de Saint Exupéry and the characterization of the imaginary in "the little prince" and fairy tales as encouragers for reading


  • Glauber de Sousa Silva Universidade Federal do Maranhão



Imaginary; Fairy tale; Contribution; Reading.


The aim of this article is to present data based on The Little Prince, from the emergence of fairy tale literature to its contribution to the development of children's imagination. The main focus of this work is to understand the real meaning of the emergence and creation of this story, the creation of the characters and how this work can contribute to children's learning and also to the development of their imagination through reading the work. Linked to this is the investigation of the inspirations that the author sought to characterize each character. In order to reach a better conclusion, we must first find out about the origins of fairy tales and who started all this literature that spans generations, and how parents and teachers can help children gain a taste for reading.


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