Teaching History and the Influence of African Culture on Brazilian Cuisine in Early Childhood Education
Brazilian cuisine; Influences of African culture; History teaching; Early childhood educationAbstract
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to reflect on the teaching of History about the African influence on Brazilian cuisine in the context of Early Childhood Education. The main theoretical references selected were Paiva (2017) and Cascudo (1967), due to the wealth of information about Brazilian cuisine and the typical dishes that were formed from the influences of African culture. The rest of the bibliography used was included according to the demand for this topic in Early Childhood Education, as it is a little explored topic, probably because History is not a curricular component of this stage of Basic Education. The methodology developed in this work was a case study in conjunction with documentary research, based on the case study carried out at the CMEI where the author of this text is doing a non-mandatory internship, using the activities carried out by the children and made available by the teacher as documentary research. In this context, it was found that it is possible to work on the theme of Brazilian cuisine and the influences of African culture in Early Childhood Education, which is of the utmost importance, as children have the right to know more about their culture as Brazilian citizens and have the right to learn.
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