the Challenges in adherence to smoking cessation treatment: an integrative review




Smoking, Quit Smoking, Primary Health Care


Introduction: Smoking is a broad concept that includes mental and behavioral disorders resulting from to­bacco abuse, being a preventable chronic disease that affects several areas of the individual. Objective: To evaluate the difficulties in adhering to treatment for smoking cessation within the scope of Primary Health Care (PHC). Methods: This is an integrative literature review in which the virtual libraries Portal Capes, Scie­lo, PubMed, Lilacs and BVS were used, using articles from the last five years that have been carried out in the country and that were focused on Primary Health Care, identifying the difficulties of the individual interested in discontinuing tobacco use to quit smoking, with a complete analysis of ten articles. Results: Among the difficulties encountered in smoking cessation, the main relationship between a high burden of nicotine depen­dence and, consequently, more intense withdrawal symptoms, in addition to the lack of family support and trust, stands out. Conclusion: It is necessary to encourage effective adherence to the smoking cessation pro­gram, considering the need to reinforce existing measures, to train the teams that conduct the activities of the smoking cessation program, to reactivate inactive programs and to create a program for long-term follow-up.


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How to Cite

Viana Monteiro A, Fabrício. the Challenges in adherence to smoking cessation treatment: an integrative review. RBPS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];25(3):81-9. Available from:



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