Vol. 33 No. 3 (2022)

					View Vol. 33 No. 3 (2022)

The Journal Ágora, in this last issue of 2022, publishes papers of great interest to the academic public from different areas of knowledge. As readers will be able to notice, the texts have different approaches to political history, but with transdisciplinary investigations. Gustavo César Cabral, in "Liberalism, independence and progress in the construction of Brazil", focuses on the problem of freedoms in the Courts of Lisbon through the work of journalist and historian Oliveira Lima (1867-1928). Séfora Sutil and Arthur Vargas, with "The chic boys on the roof"'s paper, use micro-history to analyze the closing of a periodical in S. João del-Rei after exposing members of the local elite. In "The flagellum of the reigning fever", Jonas de Melo Júnior discusses the passage of the yellow fever epidemic through Recife in the mid-nineteenth century. Cristina Ferreira and Martin Bachmann present the idea of Brazil formulated by the English diplomat Richard F. Burton based on notions of nature, slavery and immigration in the second half of the 19th century. The last article discusses the dispute between Marxists and liberals regarding the concept of fascism, a topic of great impact today and potential to contribute to the reflection of the theme.
Happy reading everyone.

Published: 2022-12-26
