Alberto Torres' relationship with academic spaces and the presence of abolitionist and republican ideas (1880-1892)
Intellectual History; Alberto Torres; History of Republican Brazil.Abstract
The study of Brazilian intellectuals is essential for understanding the political ideas of the 19th century, as well as their circulation and appropriation by various individuals. This work aims to analyze the development of the ideas of Alberto Torres (1865-1917), an intellectual and politician from Rio de Janeiro who was active in all three powers of the Republic and became prominent in shaping Brazilian political thought, being read by subsequent generations of thinkers. The focus of this analysis is to situate Torres' actions and thoughts within the emergence of the republican movement and his dialogues with abolitionist ideas. To this end, journalistic excerpts were used to investigate the phase of the author's life prior to his best-known intellectual production, which is enshrined in his five books published between 1909 and 1915, after his retirement.
A REPÚBLICA. Rio de Janeiro: 1888.
A TRIBUNA. Rio de Janeiro: 1890.
GAZETA DE NOTÍCIAS. Rio de Janeiro: 1885-1888.
GAZETA DA TARDE. Rio de Janeiro: 1888.
JORNAL DO COMMERCIO. Rio de Janeiro: 1889.
Obras gerais
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