Industry 4.0 applied to supply chain management: a literature review




Logistics 4.0, Industry 4.0, Bibliometric review


The development of industry 4.0 is popularizing the new technologies to improve logistics and supply chain management activities to increase process efficiency. Therefore, the present work aims to identify the current research conditions on the subject through a bibliometric and systematic review of papers published on the base Web of Science, giving a special focus to Brazilian studies, that is still in growth. The results show the growing relevance of the theme and the interest on the part of major journals. In relation to the national publications, there is interest in the internet of things and in the cyber-physical systems. The Brazilian analyzed papers focus on economic and operational issues, but there is also a concern about environmental issues.


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Author Biographies

Victor Souza de Abreu, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doctoral student and Master in Transport Engineering at the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was a researcher for the National Traffic Counting Plan of the National Department of Transport Infrastructure. He is currently a researcher at the Green Fund at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has experience in the field of Civil Engineering, with an emphasis on Transport Engineering and Environment / Sustainability.

Marcio de Almeida D'Agosto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós Graduação e Pesquisa Em Engenharia, Programa de Engenharia de Transportes.

Graduated in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering and Master in Transport Engineering from Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1989 and 1999). Doctor in Transport Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ (2004). He has professional experience in companies such as Companhia Brasileira de Petróleo Ipiranga, SHV/Minasgás S.A. Distributor of Fuel Gas and Coca-Cola. He held the position of Director of Transport Planning at the Municipal Superintendence of Urban Transport (SMTU) of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. He was a professor at the Military Institute of Engineering (IME) and the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC). Since 2006 he has been a professor at the Transport Engineering Program at COPPE / UFRJ with experience in the areas of Cargo Transport Planning, Logistics and Transport, Energy and the Environment, with an emphasis on Transport Systems Management. He was Director (2007 to 2012), President (2013 to 2016) and Executive Director (2017 and 2018) of the National Association for Research and Teaching in Transport (ANPET). Since 2016, he has held the Presidency of the Brazilian Institute of Sustainable Transport (IBTS) developing volunteer work. He is a Productivity Researcher 1A and consultant to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC). He was lead author of Chapter 8 (Transport) of Report 5 of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He coordinated the Transport Chapter of the Brazilian Panel on Climate Change (PBMC) of the Ministry of the Environment. Considering relationships with institutions, he has held several positions of researcher, consultant and project coordinator with public and private entities such as: Ministry of Regional Development Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications; Ministry of Economy; Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development; Brazilian Forum on Climate Change; Federation of Passenger Transport Companies of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Military Engineering Institute; GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH); Fundação Getúlio Vargas; World Wide Fund for Nature; Greenpeace; Instituto Clima e Sociedade and Climate Works Foundation. In his 20 years of academic work he has published 83 scientific articles (30 in indexed journals) in the research lines of transport, technology and environment and sustainability in mobility and logistics. He is the author of the only national textbook on transport, energy use and environmental impacts, recently (2019) published in a global edition in English. He has consolidated professional experience in sustainability management in mobility and logistics, transport, energy use and environmental impacts and future projections for energy use and environmental impacts in transport.


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How to Cite

Souza, G. M. de, Abreu, V. S. de, & D’Agosto, M. de A. (2021). Industry 4.0 applied to supply chain management: a literature review. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(2), 128–142.