Blockchain applied in healthcare: a bibliometric review


  • Barbara Emanuelle Cavalcante dos Santos Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
  • Fernanda Alves da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e tecnologia de São Paulo
  • Andressa Clara Barbosa de Araújo Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
  • Cristiane Agra Pimentel Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia



Blockchain, Bibliometric Review, health


The healthcare industry has taken advantage of the introduction of digital technologies. The application of Blockchain in healthcare has enormous disruptive potential, as it has the ability to provide greater reliability in the storage of medical records and reduce the risk of tampering. This research aims to present a bibliometric study on Blockchain in health, aiming to identify the main regions in the world that study the subject, the educational institutions that have published the most on the subject and its most recurrent applications. As a methodology, a systematic exploratory procedure was used to extract works from Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases, with qualitative analysis facilitated by Microsoft Excel software, where it was possible to analyze the available literature on Blockchain in health. A total of 397 studies out of 967 were selected, being these, 311 articles from Scopus and 86 from WoS. The study revealed that China is the country that has published the most on the subject with 70 articles. In relation to teaching institutions and/or research groups, the IEEE stands out with 8 publications. Finally, Blockchain applications in health, after the standardization carried out, highlight the Medical Data Management with 118 records in the analyzed databases. This bibliometric review shows that there is a lack of studies in Brazil, on the other hand, it shows to be very promising for the health area.


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Author Biographies

Barbara Emanuelle Cavalcante dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

I am a professional with a background in Energy and Sustainability, complemented by my current degree in Production Engineering. Throughout my journey, I accumulated significant experiences, including leadership in the Production Engineering area and later the role of Financial Administrative Director at ENGTEMP JR.
My trajectory also involved voluntary participation and as a scholarship holder in the Lean Healthcare scientific initiation project, publication of articles and patented educational games, as well as participation in national congresses, all contributing to my professional development and connections in the area.

Fernanda Alves da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e tecnologia de São Paulo

Graduating in Production Engineering at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paul (IFSP - 2022). She was an intern at the Health Department of the city of Barueri, a municipality in the state of São Paulo (2016-2017). Scholarship in Scientific Initiations in the areas of Data Mining applied to the area of ​​education (2019) and Lean Healthcare (2020). Founder and Vice-President of ProVale Jr (2020 - 2021). Volunteer in the Lean Healthcare UFRB research group (2022) and teaching fellow, intuiting herself in the construction of materials to promote knowledge in Lean Healthcare. Publication of articles in congresses, symposiums and international journals in the areas of Supply Chain, Operational Research, Automation and Control, Applied Physics, Lean Healthcare, Education. Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma and Hospital Pricing Intern at Dasa with experience in pricing and process automation projects (2022).

Andressa Clara Barbosa de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

Master's student in the Industrial Engineering Program (MPEI-P) at UFBA, researching in the area of ​​Digital Twin.
• Bachelor's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (2023.1).
• Bachelor in Interdisciplinary in Energy and Sustainability from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia - UFRB (2022.2).
• Lean Healthcare Researcher at UFRB (2021-2024)
• Best course completion work in production engineering of 2023 (Abepro Award).
• 2 computer programs registered by INPI with support from UFRB.
• 3 games registered as Industrial Design and awarded with UFRB inventor recognition.
• Experience in the area of ​​Lean Healthcare and continuous improvement in health, and as a mobilizer and facilitator of workshops with young people and adults in the environmental area.

Cristiane Agra Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

Currently a professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) in Feira de Santana on the Production Engineering course, senior member of IEEE and participant in the professional master's degree at UFBA. She has 12 years of experience in the metallurgical industrial area. She has expertise developed in the areas of quality, production system (lean), audits and certifications. Internal and external auditor of the Integrated Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO IEC 17025) and Green Belt. During her master's degree she worked with the implementation of ISO standards in the public service, highlighting the accreditation of the Biomaterials laboratory of the Northeast CERTBIO in the ISO / IEC 17025 standard, and during her doctorate she worked with the development of materials for application as biomaterials. She currently leads the Lean Healthcare research project with a focus on the health area at BA and the Impacts of AI on education, in addition to working on issues related to female performance in exact sciences. Conducting the Digital Twin project in cooperation with CEPEDI de Ilhéus. Recipient of the 2021 IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award, Honorable Mention of the IEEE WIE 2021 and 2022- Inspiring Member of the Year Award and 2021 Outstanding Branch Counselor Branch Chapter Advisor Award. As of 2024, she is a member of the IEEE R9 Industry Engagement Committee and is Vice Chair of the WIE northeast section.


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How to Cite

Santos, B. E. C. dos, Silva, F. A. da, Araújo, A. C. B. de, & Pimentel, C. A. (2024). Blockchain applied in healthcare: a bibliometric review . Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 10(3), 355–371.

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