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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished, does not contain (self)plagiarism and is not being evaluated for publication by another scientific journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The original text file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text follows the editorial norms, style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors and in the layout model available for download.
  • In case of submission involving data generated in research with human beings, there is explicit information about approval by an ethics committee.
  • The submission metadata and information about the author(s) were filled out correctly and completely.
  • Any information that could identify the author(s) was removed from the original text file, ensuring double-blind peer review.

Author Guidelines

DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE (2024 version)

1. At least one of the authors of the submission must have completed a doctorate. Doctoral, master's and undergraduate students, as well as masters and graduates, may submit originals for evaluation as long as at least one of their co-authors has completed a doctorate.

2. Authors and co-authors who have already had an article published in the Revista (Con)Textos Linguísticos must wait one year to submit a new one.

3. Authors or groups of authors must respect the limit of one submission per issue. No more than one submission from the same author or group of authors will be accepted for a given issue.

4. Data and concepts contained in the texts, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographical references and the textual revision are the sole responsibility of the authors.

5. Submissions written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French are accepted.

6. The copyrights for approved articles will be automatically granted, free of charge, to the Revista (Con)Textos Linguísticos, which may then publish them based on items VI and I of article 5 of Law 9610/98.

7. Authors must attach, at the time of submission, a document authorizing the use of images (even those that are publicly available) contained in the submitted text. Otherwise, it will be necessary to remove them and only describe them.

8. Authors must ensure that they have filled out all the information requested in the author registration form and for all co-authors during the submission process. The following must be provided:

  • full name, without abbreviations;
  • e-mail;
  • country;
  • URL of Lattes CV or other academic CV available online;
  • Orcid;
  • academic affiliation or institutional link;
  • mini academic biography (information on education, professional experience and research funding agency, if necessary).

9. Submitted files must be formatted according to the template available for download (note: download the template file to edit it). Authors must download the file and use it when submitting. To download the template file, in the top left menu of Google Docs, click on File > Download > Microsoft Word (.docx). Template available at:

10. Submitted files must be typed in Microsoft Word, on A4 paper (21 cm X 29.7 cm), with top, bottom, right and left margins of 2.5 cm, without page numbers.

11. The text must have a minimum length of 48,000 characters with spaces and a maximum length of 80,000 characters with spaces, including text boxes and footnotes.

12. The file must comply with the following structure and formatting:

  • Title: centered at the top of the first page, in lower case, containing a maximum of 240 characters with spaces, in Arial font, size 12, bold.
  • Title in English: one line after the title in the original language of the article, in lower case, in Arial font, size 12, without bold. If the text of the article is not originally in Portuguese, the title in Portuguese must be presented in place of the title in English.
  • Abstracts: in Portuguese and English for texts written in Portuguese or in the language of the article and in Portuguese for texts written in a foreign language. Preceded by this subtitle and a colon, in a single paragraph of at least 100 and at most 200 words, justified, without indentation, single-spaced, two lines below the name(s) of the author(s). Each abstract must be followed by at least three and at most five keywords in the language of the abstract, with initial capital letters, separated by a period, in justified alignment, single-spaced, without indentation, Arial font, size 11.
  • Article text: starting on the second page, Arial font, size 11, with 1.5 cm spacing. Paragraphs must be justified, with 1.25 cm indentation on the first line and no space between them. The subtitles corresponding to the sections of the work must appear on the left, in bold, without numbering and without indentation, in lower case. The subtitle for the list of references must also be formatted in this way. There should be a blank line with 1.5 spacing between the last paragraph of the previous section and the following subtitle. All highlights in the body of the text should be in italics. Examples to which references are made throughout the text should be highlighted in the paragraphs that announce and/or comment on them and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals in parentheses, with paragraph indentation.
  • References: preceded by this subtitle, aligned to the left, without indentation, in alphabetical order of surnames and, in the case of the same author, in the chronological order of publication of the works cited, two lines after the text.
  • For general references (books, author-entities, dictionaries, organized book chapters, journal articles, thesis/dissertations, newspaper articles/news articles, event papers, event proceedings, entries, personal pages), follow ABNT standard NBR 6023:2018. Electronic documents follow the same specifications required for each text genre, arranged in accordance with ABNT standards NBR 6023:2018; however, these references must be accompanied, when applicable, by the indication of the full addresses of the virtual pages consulted and the date of access to online files that are only temporarily available.

  • For citations, follow ABNT standard NBR 10520:2023. It should be noted that references in the text must be indexed by the ABNT author-date system, for example: “(Silva, 2005, p. 36–37)”.

  • In the case of phonetic transcription and use of IPA fonts, it is necessary to use only one type of font: silDoulosIPA, size 12. The font can be obtained free of charge at:

  • Annexes, if any, must be placed after the bibliographic references, preceded by the word Annex, in bold, without indentation and without numbering.

13. Submissions (one and only one per group or author per issue) must be made on the journal's website (, hosted on the Open System Journal (OSJ), in a digital file, in accordance with the rules, without any identification of the author(s) (ensuring double-blind peer review).

14. In “Comments to the editor”, the section to which the article will be submitted (Analytical-descriptive studies; Studies on text and discourse; or Studies in applied linguistics) or whether it will be submitted to a thematic issue must be indicated.

15. Submissions that do not comply with both the editorial and formatting rules will be summarily rejected.


Política padrão de seção

Article for the section 1 - Analytical-descriptive studies of language

Section that receives scientific articles on studies relating to the functioning of languages ​​in their varieties of use, with regard to their units, levels of constitution, relationships, structures and formalizations.

Article for the section 2 - Studies on text and discourse

Section that receives scientific articles on issues related to textuality, textualization processes in oral and written modalities, the construction of discourse, seen from the perspectives of pragmatics and discourse analysis in different textual genres.

Article for the section 3 - Applied Linguistics

Section that receives scientific articles on inter/transdisciplinary discussions that focus on language as a central element, related to topics such as language education, language and society, language policies, translation and interpretation, among others.

Article for the thematic edition

Articles intended for thematic edition.

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Names and addresses provided in Revista (Con)Textos Linguísticos will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.